- Community building
- Small-scale agriculture
- Personal expression and empowerment
- History and global topics
Northbay Free School classes [updated 2012-08-31]:
Journalism Workshop
Tuesday, Sept. 4, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Learn how to get our message out. Learn how to understand the manipulation in mainstream media. Write for the Occupied Press North Bay/Prensa Ocupada Bahia Norte or for other media outlets.
Arlene Francis Center, 99 - 6th St., Santa Rosa
Journalism Workshop
Tuesday, Sept. 11, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Learn how to get our message out. Learn how to understand the manipulation in mainstream media. Write for the Occupied Press North Bay/Prensa Ocupada Bahia Norte or for other media outlets.
Arlene Francis Center, 99 - 6th St., Santa Rosa
West Marin Freeskool
PO Box 683
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
* Vision - It is the goal of West Marin Free Skool to create independent, money-less communities made of individuals who are connected by similar interests and passions.It is our aim within these communities to live in a way that is responsible, creative, and joyful; and within our natural means and resources.
* Free Education - West Marin Free Skool provides access to non-authoritarian and free education, empowering individuals through an open invitation to teach and to learn. WMFS promotes classes that focus on practical skill building, survival, sustainability, arts, music, communication, health, recreation, critical thinking and creative expression. West Marin Free Skool classes encourage and actively support personal growth by working within a format that rewards self-motivation, creativity and curiosity.
* Rebuilding Social Fabric - West Marin Free Skool invites us to reflect on the factors that shape our daily lives and determine our real wealth. This creates opportunities to pursue true interests, passions and talents while building meaningful relationships. By consciously removing money from this exchange, we shift our motivations from monetary compensation to a more fulfilling definition of giving and receiving. This generous approach to daily life broadens both our social circles and our minds, thus strengthening the fabric of our social networks and wholly enriching our lives.

Second Saturdays, 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Sufi Dances of Universal Peace
Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church, 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek 94596 All are welcome and invited to join in these uplifting and meditative evenings of chanting, singing and sacred circle dancing from the world's faith tradition. Each simple dance is taught and accompanied by live music.
$10 suggested donation. Please bring a dish to share. Contact SierraLynne White at 925-685-2409 or pathwork@comcast.net.
Other Free School networks:
Upcoming Events at The Holdout!
We want to make sure everyone knows about the variety of great skill-shares and events we have at the space happening regularly now. You can also check out our calendar on our website [www.theholdout.org] or our white board calendar in the bookstore. New folks are always welcome! SO here's the upcoming events at The Holdout for the next 2 weeks.
Come swap some skills, gain some knowledge, and have some fun!
The Holdout! 2313 San Pablo Ave, Oakland
Weekly events/skillshares:
Sunday- Bookstore open hours: 12-5
- Basic Spanish for English Speakers: 12-2 with Autumn and Pati
- Healing Plants Skillshare: 2-4pm with Autumn and Hugo
- Queer Radical Figure Drawing: 3-5pm with Autumn and Tom
- Basic Nutrition: 5-6pm with Autumn and Hugo
Monday- Bookstore Open Hours: 3-10
- Getaway Bikes! Bike workshop open hours: 3-6
- Silat: An Indonesian Martial Arts : 7-9pm
Tuesday- Bagua: Chinese Martial Arts: 11am-12pm with Melisa
- Spanish Class (Intermediate and Advanced): for folks who speak some Spanish but need more practice: 8-930pm with Pati
Wed - Aikido (martial arts): 10-11am with Marc and Syd
- English for Spanish Speakers: 1130am-1pm every week with Pati
Thursday- Bookstore Open Hours: 3-6pm
- Getaway Bikes! Bike workshop open hours: 3-6pm
Friday - Resistance Film Series: weekly political film screenings: 7-10pm every Fri night
8/31- "If A Tree Falls": Uses interviews with former members to tell the story of the Earth Liberation Front’s rise, years of militancy, and eventual infiltration by the FBI.
Saturday- Bookstore Open hours: 12-5pm
- Getaway Bikes! Bike workshop open hours: 12-4pm
- Beginning Conversational Spanish: 1-2pm with Autumn
Impact! Bay Area
Get assertive at Impact Bay Area's free self defense class.
Sports Basement, 1590 Bryant, SF. [www.impactbayarea.org]
2012-01-10 "Free to be you and me; CAREERS AND EDUCATION: From self defense to GED prep, no-fee courses for the 99 percent" by Caitlin [http://www.sfbg.com/print/2012/01/10/free-be-you-and-me]: Some education strengthens your mind — some education strengthens your soul. Into the latter category falls self defense non-profit Impact Bay Area's free-to-the-public "Introduction to Personal Safety" classes. Open to ages 12 and up at Sports Basements across the Bay Area, the course teaches you how to keep your eyes open when walking the neighborhoods, with the end goal of living life with less fear and more fun. (PHOTO COURTESY BAY AREA IMPACT)

City College of San Francisco
2012-01-10 "Free to be you and me; CAREERS AND EDUCATION: From self defense to GED prep, no-fee courses for the 99 percent" by Caitlin [http://www.sfbg.com/print/2012/01/10/free-be-you-and-me]: At many of CCSF's 10-plus campuses across the city, you can take courses absolutely free of charge — and sign up for them at any point in the semester. What can you learn? GED prep, introductory construction skills, economics, US contemporary writers, and tai chi, to name but a few of the offerings. How has this vast resource network escaped the chopping block in California's beleaguered public school system? We almost don't want to press the issues — let's just sign up while these courses still exist.
Various campuses, SF.
CW Analytical
[emily@cwanalytical.com] [510-545-6984]
2012-01-10 "Free to be you and me; CAREERS AND EDUCATION: From self defense to GED prep, no-fee courses for the 99 percent" by Caitlin [http://www.sfbg.com/print/2012/01/10/free-be-you-and-me]: You've planted your own garden, gotten your card, and are committed to heightening endocannabinoid levels in your medical marijuana patient family and friends — but do you really know what you're doing making weed edibles? This marijuana laboratory offers intermittent classes for the cannabis food newbie or vet that teach about quality control, presentation, and applicable regulations.
Eastbay Freeskool
Free University of San Francisco
Update! As of 2012-06, neither of these websites is in operation because of a politically motivated squatting against their web addresses... [www.freeuniversitysf.org] [http://fusf.wordpress.com]
History of FUSF: [http://northbayuprising.blogspot.com/2011/02/free-university-of-san-francisco.html]

Free University of Humboldt